Your trusted distributor for electronics and components

We are a leading provider of electronic components and equipment in the Maldives. Our team is dedicated to ensuring that your property has access to the latest and greatest technology, from high-speed WiFi systems to state-of-the-art CCTV systems. Our team of experienced technicians are always available to provide support and troubleshooting, ensuring that your systems are running smoothly at all times.

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Your iPhone screen repaired in lightning speed!

We offer Express Repair, a service that allows you to get your iPhone screen repaired in a flash at our service center. With Express Repair, you don't have to wait days or even weeks to get your phone repaired. Simply visit our service center, and our team of skilled technicians will have your phone fixed and ready to go in less than 15 minutes. 

black and gold hard disk drive

PlayStation Repairs

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Mobile Repairs

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